"...working side by side for the faith that comes from the gospel." Philippians 1:27

Director of Missions
Lubbock Area Baptist Association
4207 34th St.
Lubbock, TX 79410
Office: (806) 791-4442

BA Hardin Simmons University 1981
M.Ed. Hardin Simmons University 1983
M.Div. Southwestern Baptist Theology Seminary, 1991​

Jerry Joplin
Director of the Lubbock Area Baptist Association
I love this definition for Kingdom partnerships found in the book, Churches Partnership Together, “A Kingdom partnership is a gospel-driven relationship between interdependent local churches that pray, work, and share resources together strategically to glorify God through Kingdom-advancing goals they could not accomplish alone.”
If you know me, you know that I am passionate about “PARTNERSHIPS.” I have become more and more convinced as I have journeyed this road as the Director that if churches do not choose to collaborate in reaching lost people, the fields will continue to get more white with lostness. Please note that “LABOR” is right in the middle of collaborate. As a pastor and church family, it is easier to NOT partner. Partnerships always require more of an individual and a church. It is always easier for a church to do things on its own. It cuts out all the problems of building unity, trust, and stewardship of resources. What must be grasped is this, the effort is worth it because of the greater Kingdom impact that results when churches link arms.
All partnerships MUST be built on the gospel alone. This means that there should be a direct line between the creation of a partnership and the goals of the partnership and Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. The gospel unites leaders and churches in a way that no philosophy, tradition, task, or mission ever could.
Partnerships must also be “interdependent.” This means that any partnership ought to benefit all partners involved. All sides of a partnership should receive a measure of return in reference to the investment being made in labor together.
The bottom line issue for partnerships is that God’s Kingdom comes on earth and He is glorified even more. This happens when more and more people come to Him as Savior and Lord. That is why collaboration is worth it.
Partnerships are birthed and thrive based on pastors and churches initiative and passion to cooperate. Churches and individuals must take up their corner of the blanket to bear the needy to Jesus, Mark 2:1-11. What we desire as the LABA staff is to be a catalyst and conduit of partnerships.
Jerry Joplin
Lubbock Area Baptist Association
4207 34th Lubbock, TX. 79410
Mobile: 806-543-8614
Office: 806-791-4442
2010 - present
2010 - present